We Too Have Inclement Weather
Projecting Just a Tad

Friday Ephemera

Smileycam. // Electricity. // You are teeming with bacteria. // Trillions and computing. // The evolution of life in 60 seconds. // A year in 40 seconds. // B-movies! // Dominoes. // Roots. // Nick Veasey talks x-rays. // Yes, but is it real? // “You have to be committed to tattoo your eyes.” // The parkour flip book.  (h/t, Coudal) // Ancient Egyptian art. (h/t, Derek) // Play Tetris with your feet. // Before you can fight crime you must first make a costume. // Godzilla gets some. // “Men know when they’re aroused, women may not.” // The Flatiron Building, 1902. // And finally, evil rabbits.
