Northerners of Yore
Tidings (6)

The Agonies of the Left, They Never End

Attention menfolk, you are faulty, inferior beings unless you agree with Laurie and Hugo.

He's twice the man you are.

All this stuff. Hates capitalism.    

Capitalism made me buy things.

What Laurie likes.    

And space robots and monster trucks.

It isn’t your money so shut up.    

Those uppity taxpayers.

Critics can be mean.    

Don't break my beliefs.

National columnist and BBC regular Owen Jones: a man silenced by the hegemony.  

He's channelling your anger against all odds.

Saving the world with a high-tech leftwing rebel elite.    

We'll rule you for your own good.


Behold the corrected, post-Patriarchy male. No longer a faulty, inferior being. 

Heterosexual but fretful, which makes it okay. Hear him roar.

Do please keep them coming. Our betters have much to teach us. 
