Elsewhere (307)
August 03, 2021
Razib Khan reviews Charles Murray’s Facing Reality:
Comfortable white people—“nice white parents” in affluent neighbourhoods who support efforts to “defund the police”—can refuse to look into the data or insist that those data are the product of racist systems and structures. They can “interrogate their privilege” and “confront their white supremacy,” or better yet, demand that others do so. But they won’t be any closer to understanding why poor African Americans and Latinos in inner-city neighbourhoods want more police officers in their neighbourhoods and not fewer, nor why poor African American parents clamour for access to strict charter schools that activists condemn for being “anti-black.” Principled ignorance might be a costless gesture for affluent progressives, but they’re heaping additional injustice onto the backs of those who can least afford the wages of social signalling.
Ben Sixsmith on when paedophilia was avant-garde:
The German Green party was especially notable for its enablement of child abuse. As the Times of London reported in 2015, “a paedophile network was active in the Berlin branch of the Green party until the mid-1990s, with potentially hundreds of victims.” Daniel Cohn-Bendit, a leading student activist in the 1968 unrest and a prominent member of the Greens, wrote fantasies about sexual contact with children which he later awkwardly described as “irresponsible” and “a type of manifesto against the bourgeois society.” Cohn-Bendit was not, as you might assume, a hair-brained student when he wrote that filth, but 30 years old. Perhaps the bourgeois society had something — at least something — to be said for it.
Hans Bader on woke bigotry and a dishonest news media:
On July 15, a Reuters fact-check claimed that “many Americans embrace falsehoods about critical race theory.” But it is Reuters that embraced a falsehood, not the American people. Reuters denied that critical race theory teaches that “discriminating against white people is the only way to achieve equality,” saying that was a “misconception” promoted by “conservative media outlets.”
It’s not a misconception. It’s the explicit position of the most famous exponent of critical race theory, Boston University’s Ibram X. Kendi. The “key concept” in Kendi’s book How to Be an Antiracist is that discrimination against whites is the only way to achieve equality: “The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination,” writes Kendi in that book, a New York Times bestseller touted by many progressive journalists… Kendi’s book… is a “comprehensive introduction to critical race theory,” notes the leading progressive media organ Slate. Kendi says he was “inspired by critical race theory,” and he has been described as a leading “critical race theorist.” Kendi said that he cannot “imagine a pathway to” his teachings “that does not engage CRT.”
Reuters says it is a fallacy to believe that critical race theory teaches “that white people are inherently bad or evil.” But it is hard to justify widespread discrimination against white people, as Kendi does, unless you believe they are bad. Kendi once wrote an op-ed suggesting that white people are aliens from outer space.
And Tyler Hummel on some of Mr Kendi’s fellow hustlers:
The University of Kentucky paid $5,000 to the Centre for Healing Racial Trauma for the workshop… Titled “Cultivating an Anti-Racist Mindset for Academic Administrators,” the workshop was hosted last winter by the centre, which offers trainings designed to heal people of racism and teach them to be anti-racist, among other services. The centre is run by University of Kentucky psychology Professor Candice Hargons… The session involved deans and other top faculty writing out their “chosen metric for anti-racism,” to whom they have chosen to be accountable, and the steps they have taken thus far to address it… Mary Davis, [dean of the University of Kentucky’s J. David Rosenberg College of Law,] wrote she has begun to “force myself to accept white inferiority,” and that it is “really hard.”
During this jolly barn dance of intersectional psychodrama, weak-minded administrators are instructed to “replace white supremacy with the more accurate white inferiority complex,” an allegedly all-pervasive phenomenon that, we’re told, “organises most systems in the USA.”
Ah, yes. Ectoplasm everywhere. Can you feel the healing yet?
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